It is unpleasant to say that the body of Christ and the men and women of God have moved into a place and can not or do not want to listen to the word of the Lord. what has happen to us is that we have allowed incest to occur in the house of God and it has become an unclean edifice where man has built a temple for himself. It grieves the Lord to know that many of us are not willing to spend the time that we need to with him so that the Holy Spirit can speak to us. The other side of that is that we are not even in a place where we know the voice of God even if he did speak. We have been sold a bill of goods by man that live in lavish houses, drive fancy cars, place their kindred in businesses and promote themselves as God so that you continue to supply them with there earthly goods. They are thieves and no better than a robber and are interested only in living off the people of God. Most of the time all get is a heist on Sunday morning and half of the time we do not even understand what has been said. It is sad that technology has given us additional resources to study the word and even some Pastors that I know are now printing their sermons from the Internet. What happen to the old fashion way where we laid prostrate and wrote out what the Holy Spirit spoke? Church, wake up and listen again to the word of the Lord through his precious gift of the Holy Spirit and the inspired word The Holy Bible.. It will lead you and guide you and please remember that the Holy Spirit takes possession of you so therefore you will not have it the way you want it. Much suffering you may endeavor to go through but the end results will give you access to the Gift of Life. Make up your minds this day to follow the Lord, the word that he left as instructions for us to live a Godly life by, and fasting to bring this body under subjection. It is a New day, Choose whom and what you will serve and you shall live if you return and plead the blood over false doctrines, teachings, witchcraft, sorcerers , rebellion , doubt and unbelief. Wake up Sons and daughters. Move forward hurrily in God and listen to the tone of his voice.