Many of you are sitting today idle and literally waiting for God to move you, However I might caution you that this is the season where you will have to move for God. What that entails is you going a little deeper and receiving the revelatory word of God that will place you into the highest possible existence and a more intimate relationship with him and where you will have be required constant communication with him. He is waiting for us and the wait is almost over. Perhaps you are one that is constantly complaining and murmuring saying the world and the people of God need to change. Change occurs when you take the orders that God has given to you and you step into the deep and you do what he is asking of you. Why don't you allow theGod that is in you to bring his presence and deliverance upon others. It is not the Pastor's job to do anything other than lead the shhep to higher ground. If you are a sheep and you are following a good shepherd it is your responsibility to bring other sheep into the herd so that they may receive from the shepherd the good news. Time is of the essence and wre must be about the Master's business. Stop delaying and be obedient right now , says the Lord!!! People are waiting for you to speak a true word into their lives!!!