Jesus did things that caused people to talk. Today, we would call this "creating a buzz." One such miracle Jesus did that caused a buzz was when a man wanted Jesus to heal him. Instead of saying a religious prayer, He reached down and grabbed some mud and put it on his eyes. I can only wonder what the man must have thought. When he washed off the mud he could see. When the Pharisees asked how he was healed, the man told him. The Pharisees must been totally confused.
Jesus did this to confront the religious spirit among the Pharisees and keep things focused on the source of the miracle, not the way it was done. Be aware when God does things outside your paradigm of experience. Don't jump to conclusions about the ways of God if they don't fit your paradigm. Jesus rarely does things the same way every time. This is intentional in order to keep us trusting in His power, Not His ways.