The Biblical Hebrew calendar for 2012 = 5772 = (5) Grace – (7) Perfection – (7)
Completion – (2) Unity. His great grace is bringing us to perfection and
completion into the unity of the Spirit with Him.
The Lord emphasized
Joshua's march around Jericho in November 2011. There is a double, seven-fold
circling that is going to be important in the days ahead.
Also during
November 2011, the Lord spoke about concentric circles. The center point always
remains the same although the diameter of the outer circle may change. This was
spoken with regard to prayer circles. Some are gatherings of two, some three,
some four, some seven and others much larger. The importance was the obedience
of whoever was being called of whatever number to gather at a specific location
to pray for a specific purpose and it was designed and led by the Spirit. Of
course, the center point remains fixed. as this is the Lord and He never