I see you. I know you. I know the struggles that you have gone through. I have seen and known the curses that have come upon you. I see and know the plan of the enemy against you. I know all of these things because I am God. But, please understand that it is not My will for you to suffer at the hand of the enemy.
And, that is why I have given you the Holy Spirit of anointing who will rest upon you and empower you to be that which I have called you to be so that these works that I have done you can do. And it comes down to this point: Children of God, all you have to do is believe that all things are possible that I have spoken of regarding My people and it shall be so with you, says the Lord. Rise up! Shout with a voice of joy.
Get over the defeat of compromise, the defeat of heaviness, the defeat of infirmity, and those things that hold you and keep you from My purposes. For, when I do this extraordinary and great work in this season, it is My company of redeemed that shall arise and they shall be the chosen ones that go forth into battle to destroy the works of the enemy. They will shake themselves free from every yoke which has been put upon them. In My name, do the work. And, I Myself, shall be with you to confirm that work with signs and wonders following.