I heard Him whisper...
"The season has changed, you have heard it before, but I declare to you: The seasons of time have changed. Eternity is now flooding into time. I am calling you into the 'no time' zone, the realm of eternity within you. This season will be the most productive and powerful you've ever witnessed, for I am hastening My word to bring it to pass. Long dormant promises will now spring to life as I bring you through the most rapid changes of your life.
"Finances will never hold you back, for I am the God who provides all that is needed and who supplies all that you lack. Never be held back by what you call 'lack,' or 'need,' for I call it 'Miracles of Trust.' As you trust Me, I will open doors of blessing and miraculous supply that you have never even considered. Remain faithful to Me, and I will show you My faithful and miraculous supply. My harvest of the nations will not be limited to the financial structures of men. There will be no limit of resources to see My harvest reached and to see My Bride made radiant.
"This season of change will move you from passivity to passion. The fire of My love will motivate you to make sacrifices of time and treasure that you have never entered into before. Did I not ask Abraham for his dearest? For then I promised the anointing of taking cities and possessing the gates of your enemies. Great sacrifices will yield great prophetic promises. When I move upon your heart to yield to Me, to go where I send you, to do what I call you to do – even at great personal cost – you will see Me as the Great Provider and the Great Promise Keeper.
"The changes that are upon you will demand that you trust. For in the stretching of faith, you will find Me as never before. Leap for joy, and in that leap of faith, you will find My supernatural presence as never before. Faith leaps for joy! Get ready for the Kingdom of JOY to come even as dark shadows linger in your circumstances. Faith rejoices and will subdue doubts and fears. Watch new miracles flow through the seasons of JOY that I bring to you. (Photo via Freeimages)
"Be ever ready to open your mouth and share your living faith with those who are near you. I will open hearts – do not I hold the key to unlock the hearts of men? Speak forth your praises, give your bold and courageous testimony, and watch me melt the hearts of men and women before you. A great harvest is now here. Not someday, but now – this day! Tell them TODAY you can come and be with Me in paradise!