The kingdom of God has keys. The purpose for keys is to limit access to particular rooms, closets, or containers. I have a set of keys to the church I pastor in Michigan and those keys will let me into places most people can’t go! Keys keep things protected; they also allow access to whomever the keys are given!
People don’t use keys to lock up their garbage! Keys secure valuables and precious belongings. The kingdom of God has treasures beyond your natural comprehension that can be accessed with the keys to the kingdom!
Everything in the kingdom of God is protected from those for whom it wasn’t intended. However, those who are part of the kingdom of God have entry privileges, and when you go inside, you will find everything you need for life and godliness.
Jesus said that the keys to the kingdom of God have something to do with binding and loosing on earth and in heaven. The word heaven in this verse is ouranos in Greek. It refers to the atmosphere around the earth. Nothing needs to be bound in the third heaven, where God’s throne is. However, much needs to be bound on this earth, where Satan is the god of this world. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Practical Application
Thank God for the precious valuables that are locked away in His kingdom. They aren’t locked away from us; they are locked away for us, and God has given us the keys. We are to use those keys to rule and reign in this life in Christ Jesus!